Service Description
- Services provided by Registered Chiropodists
- Issue or concerns: assessed, treatment provided
- Foot / toe / skin: pain issues (warts/corns/callus/ingrown toenails)
- Foot care is provided to support individuals who have issues with activities of daily living / problem with basic self-care
- Priority to individuals with cognitive or physical impairment, vulnerable at-risk clients (frailty)
- Provide support in the community so individuals can remain in their homes with their families
- Clients with private health benefits (third party insurance coverage) are not eligible
Where to Access
- Available at Vaughan and Keswick locations by appointments only
- Due to high demand of foot care services wait times may be longer
- Clients may be eligible for limited foot care sessions
How to Access
Referral from Physician/ Nurse Practitioner is required
Vaughan Location:
Keswick Location: