Our Exercise Education Programs are provided by the VCHC Registered Kinesiologist and Certified Fitness Instructors.
Our programs aim to help you learn how to exercise safely at home and in the community. Please note that our exercise programs are educational and are not meant to be a personal training service.
Service Description:
- A variety of group exercise classes are offered to clients (please view the CDC flyer, linked below)
- One-on-one exercise assessments and exercise prescriptions
- All our group exercise lessons are virtual at the moment.
Who We Serve:
- Age: 19 years and older
- During registration, the VCHC Registered Kinesiologist will screen participants to ensure that they are physically cleared for group exercise, and subsequently determine the appropriate program(s) for each individual. Eligible participants will be invited to complete the registration process/forms
How to Register:
- To register for programs, Call the Vaughan location at 905-303-8490 Ext. 2 to book an appointment for intake
- Participants will be screened for eligibility prior to registration
Where to Access:
- Vaughan CHC is offering all our exercise programs virtually over the platform Zoom
Please see forms needed to complete your registration for Exercise Education Programs:
- Client Registration Form
- Service Agreement
- CDC Registration Table
- ParQ+ Physical Screening Form
- Client Consent and Release for Virtual Programs
- Agreement of Release, Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability
- Consent to Share Information
- No Show Policy
To see our latest Exercise Education Program flyer click below:
Group Exercise Classes Currently Offered by the Vaughan Community Health Centre:
Step It Up
Day: TUESDAY & Thursday
Time: 6:00 – 6:45pm
Location: In-Person
Date: January 2, 2023 – March 7, 2024
- This class incorporates standing and stepping exercises to push your fitness and confidence to the next level.
- A variety of strength training equipment is used including dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls and steppers. Cardio machines such as the treadmill, elliptical, rower and re-cumbent bike are incorporated in the exercise routine.
- At the end of the program participants will learn safe and proper exercise techniques that can be used towards achieving their personal exercise goals. Great for individuals looking to improve core, leg and back muscle strength as well as endurance!
Total Body Conditioning (TBC)
Time: Monday 9am-10am/10am-11am Thursday 5:15pm-6:15pm Friday 10am-11am/11am-12pm
Location: Zoom
Date: Ongoing
- A 60 minute integrative exercise class that will work all areas of the body
- Beginning with a light dynamic stretch routine to warm up all the muscle groups
- Followed by a total body circuit which combines both cardio and strength.
- Focuses on improving, cardiovascular fitness, strength, coordination and flexibility, while teaching participants safe and effective movements.
- Exercises can be performed, standing, sitting, or lying down on a mat.
Energize with Exercise:
Time: 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Location: Zoom
Date: Ongoing
This class is organized in a circuit with a focus on the prevention and management of chronic conditions. Each circuit involves several exercises that will work the entire body . Aims to improve your Balance, Coordination, Muscular strength, Endurance, Mobility, and Flexibility.
Chair Yoga:
Time: 2:00 – 3:00 pm
Location: Zoom
Date: Ongoing
This class aims to provide the opportunity for everyone to learn basic yoga postures . Chairs are used to accommodate everyone, including those with physical limitations. Yoga goes hand in hand with meditation, which together can improve Stress, Concentration, and Physical health.
Low Impact Exercise:
Time: 11am-12pm
Location: Online Platform Program will be offered on Zoom Access to internet and working video/microphone on phone, tablet, or computer device
Date: January 11, 2023-March 7, 2024
Improve your overall strength and endurance, safe and easy to do moments. Gain confidence and ability to progress to more intense programs
Circle of Care:
The Vaughan Community Health Centre has also partnered with the Circle of Care to offer a variety of classes targeted towards senior citizens.
To learn more about the programs offered by the Circle Of Care, click here.
Upcoming Events
October 19, 2021 | 11:30 am
Connecting to You Healthcare Provider 101-How to Use OTN Video Technology
October 26, 2021 | 4:00 pm
Virtual Community Consultation
December 11, 2021 | 11:00 am
End-of-Year Celebration
January 4, 2022 | 10:30 am
Coffee and Chats (55+)
February 15, 2022 | 4:30 pm