Vaughan Community Health Centre is committed to providing accessible, high quality services for all stakeholders including its clients, visitors, community members and will make reasonable efforts to ensure that its policies, procedures and practices are consistent with the following principles:
- (a)Services will be provided in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of all clients.
- (b)The provision of services to persons with disabilities will be integrated wherever possible.
- (c) Persons with disabilities will be given an opportunity equal to that given to others, to obtain, use or benefit from the programs and services provided by VCHC.
Customer Service
- All staff, students and volunteers are trained in providing accessible customer service
- Support persons assisting individuals with communication, mobility or personal care, are welcome (https://www.ontario.ca/page/how-make-customer-service-accessible). As a result of COVID-19 and physical distancing measures, please let our reception staff know if a support person will be present at your appointment
- Assistive hearing devices are available for client use
- Guide dogs and service animals are welcome
- Interpretation services are available for over 100 languages
Physical Space
- Both Vaughan and Keswick locations are wheelchair accessible, including the availability of accessible parking spaces and ramps.
- Signage is transcribed into brail
Access to Information
- VCHC’s website is equipped with the Browse Aloud accessibility software
- Upon request, communication materials such as flyers, newsletters, brochures, etc. can be provided in an alternative format. The information will be provided to the person in a timely manner and free of cost.
What type of supports are provided for individuals with disabilities:
- Is wheelchair accessible
- Provides hearing assistive devices for individuals while receiving services at the VCHC.
- Service animals are welcomed.
- Upon request, communications such as flyers, newsletters, brochures, etc. can be provided in an alternative format.
VCHC accepts feedback from the public using a variety of methods including:
- In-person/virtual: to any VCHC staff member who will document the feedback and pass it on to the Executive Director.
- Phone: 905-303-8490 and ask for the Executive Director, or the Programs and Services Director.
- Via fax : 905-832-0093
- Email: info@vaughanchc.com
- Via VCHC’s Client Experience Survey link to survey
- In writing via feedback /comment boxes at the Vaughan and Keswick locations
- Feedback is also solicited in focus groups, program evaluations, and formal surveys.
For more information, please refer to
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Compliance (PDF)
Emergency Planning:
VCHC has drafted plans to respond to emergencies, such as bad weather/early closure and the influenza pandemic:
Fire Emergency Evacuation Policy (PDF)
Upcoming Events
October 19, 2021 | 11:30 am
Connecting to You Healthcare Provider 101-How to Use OTN Video Technology
October 26, 2021 | 4:00 pm
Virtual Community Consultation
December 11, 2021 | 11:00 am
End-of-Year Celebration
January 4, 2022 | 10:30 am
Coffee and Chats (55+)
February 15, 2022 | 4:30 pm