How can I access People Accessing Care Teams services?
You may be eligible to receive services from our PACT program if you have a low or moderate income and is experiencing one or more of the following issues: inadequate housing, unemployment, lack of transportation to medical appointments, lack of extended health benefits, lack of health coverage (NO OHIP), unable to speak English or French and/or having complex health issues.
To access our PACT program please provide a copy of our referral program (PDF Referral Form) to your family physician or nurse practitioner and have them fax the completed form to our office.
Please note no referral is needed to see the Systems Navigation Case Manager, Community Dietitian, or to attend Group Programs.
Do I have to go all the way to Vaughan to receive services?
No, the Vaughan Community Health Centre has 2 locations! We have our Main Site in Vaughan, located at 9401 Jane Street and our Satellite Site located at 716 the Queensway South, Keswick.
What if I do not have a family doctor to give a referral form to?
Our System Navigation Case Manager can help you find a family doctor or a nurse practitioner to provide health care to you. Once that relationship is established, they can refer you to PACT.
Can I access PACT while on WSIB or undergoing a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) process ?
We cannot accept those who have an active WSIB case or are in the process of applying for WSIB support, unless WSIB confirms to us that the services you require are not supported by them for you to access.
While dealing with a MVA, you are expected to work with your own car insurance to receive the care you need.
Why are my PACT sessions limited?
PACT sessions are limited due to limited funding received.
How do I enroll in a health promotion program?
Health promotion programs are open to all community members. Access to social programs is free and no referral is necessary. You can register for health promotion programs by contacting our Community Health Worker or calling us at 905-476-5621 for more information.
Why is your Centre not called Keswick Community Health Centre?
We are not called the Keswick Community Health Centre as we are a branch of the Vaughan Community Health Centre. The Vaughan Community Health Centre (VCHC) is the only community health centre in York Region. The VCHC serves both Western and Northern York Region. Our Keswick Site serves all Ontarians, especially those living in Northern York Region.
I would like to collaborate/partner with the VCHC. How can I?
The VCHC welcomes any community agencies or groups who share our vision, mission and values to collaborate and partner with us in the delivery of programs. If you are interested in partnering with us, please contact our Keswick Site Coordinator or our Community Health Worker at 905-476-5621.
I want to volunteer for this location. How can I do so?
To be a volunteer at the Vaughan Community Health Centre, visit our Join Us Page and indicate your location preference.
As a referring physician how can I access the People Accessing Care Teams Program?
To refer patients, that meet the eligibility criteria, to the People Accessing Care Teams (PACT) Program, provide your patient a NYR Referral Form, select the services of need and fax the completed document to: (905) 476-3008.
For more information on referring your patients to the PACT program please call: 905-476-5621 Ext.2600
Once I register for a health promotion program what can I expect?
When registering for a health promotion program you will be registered as a Vaughan CHC client. Once you are a registered VCHC client you will be contacted by our Community Health Worker to register you for the program(s) of your choice.
If registering for a virtual program a Community Health Worker will send you an email containing Virtual Consent and Release Forms and the invite link to the program.
I want to work for this location. Where can I find available positions?
To see available job openings, visit our Careers Page to see open positions.