Frequently Asked Questions

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  • What is the Vaughan Community Health Centre (VCHC)?

    VCHC is a non-profit, community-governed organization funded by the Central Local Health Integration Network and the Ontario Ministry of Health. VCHC provides primary health care, health promotion, illness prevention and community-based programs to meet the needs of Northern York Region and Western York Region residents using an interdisciplinary staff team approach.

  • Who are the professionals that provide services at VCHC

    The interdisciplinary staff team at VCHC includes family physicians, nurse practitioners, a registered practical nurse, phlebotomist, registered nurses, dietitians, social workers, chiropodists, physiotherapist, respiratory therapist, registered kinesiologist, system navigation case managers, health promoter, community health workers and medical secretaries, all of whom are salaried employees, rather than fee-for-service (OHIP) providers.

  • Is VCHC a walk-in medical clinic?

    No. VCHC is not a walk-in medical clinic and does not provide emergency services or ambulatory health services. Primary health care will only be provided to registered clients of the VCHC, whereas a variety of health promotion, social and health education programs and services are provided to the community at large.

  • What types of health promotion and health education services do you offer?

    Many social programs and support groups are offered at VCHC, such as diabetes education; mental health and addictions programs; youth life skills; seniors’ and women’s wellness; and self-care and food access programs. Other health promotion and education programs will be developed over time based on the identified needs of our clients and community.

  • Do I have to pay to receive services at VCHC?

    There are no fees. All programs and services are offered free of charge.

  • Who runs VCHC?

    VCHC is an incorporated not-for-profit organization governed by its own board of directors who are volunteers from the community.

  • Who can become a client of VCHC?

    VCHC serves the residents of Northern and Western York Region. VCHC programs and services are designed to meet the specific needs of those people who have difficulties accessing a full range of appropriate primary health care services and social programs due to barriers such language, culture, income, etc. Please call the Centre at 905-303-8490 and speak to one of our receptionists for further information 

  • What makes VCHC different from other medical services?

    VCHC views an individual’s health needs in a family and community context. In addition to providing primary health care, we provide a variety of health promotion and illness prevention services which focus on raising awareness and addressing the broader social determinants of health and increasing involvement and community capacity. These social determinants of health include: education and literacy; equity; income and social status; social support networks and isolation; employment/working conditions; social environments; physical environments; personal health practices and coping skills; healthy child development; biology and genetic endowment; access to health services; gender; and culture.

  • How long have CHCs been around and how many are there?

    Community Health Centres (CHCs) have been in existence in Canada since the 1920s. Today there are over 300 CHCs across Canada. CHCs have been supporting communities in Ontario for well over 30 years with 73 CHCs.

  • Are there other CHCs in Vaughan?

    VCHC is the first CHC in Vaughan and York Region.

  • Where do CHCs fit in the healthcare systems?

    CHCs are an integral part of the Ontario healthcare system and play a significant role in providing essential services in many communities. We work toward increasing the capacity of families and communities to help take care of their own health needs and to manage chronic health conditions. CHCs are often the main delivery mechanism for core community-based health services, offering a continuum of services that promote individual and community ownership over health.

  • My family and I don’t speak or understand English very well. Can VCHC help us?

    Yes. VCHC makes every effort to respond to the needs of the community it serves and strives to offer programs and services in relevant languages and in a culturally sensitive and respectful manner. VCHC clients are able to access professional interpretation services during their appointments. We have also made efforts to hire a staff team that is reflective of the community

  • I am a newcomer to Canada and I am waiting for Ontario Health Insurance coverage, can I access primary care services at VCHC?


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