Strategic Direction

August 2018, marked the launch of the VCHC development of the Centre’s 2019-2023 strategic plan. The process began with an environmental scan to provide context for a board retreat and planning process. The retreat reviewed and affirmed the past mission, vision and values. During the retreat a SWOT analysis of the organization current state was established; accompanied with the discussion of the VCHC emerging strategic priorities. Following the environmental scan, a valuable and meaningful community engagement process took place. The engagement included consultations activities with key internal and external stakeholders. Consultation activities included a series of surveys with clients, volunteers, students, partners, and funders. Focus groups and meetings were conducted with clients and staff, along with workshops for the VCHC Board of Directors. The development of the new strategic plan was created through the shared vision of the VCHC community and provides a foundation for future action and decision making.

Our most recent Strategic Plan will guide the VCHC’s work from 2019 to 2023. Over these next three years, the Vaughan Community Health Centre is committed to developing strategic partnerships that help leverage our capacity to delivery accessible and responsive services, providing leadership on local community priorities, and ensuring continuous quality improvement.

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